For providing Ambulance Service in entire India, We have 25000+ Ambulance which is making us the biggest Ambulance Service provider.

Air Ambulance Serices in Patna: Through us Get 24/7 Emergency and Non-Emergency Ambulance Service from any city in India

Sky Air Ambulance Service in Patna is Offering Medical Transportation 24/7 With Medical Team

In a city like Patna where the population is dense and the medical infrastructure is still in a developing phase, people require a time-efficient and comfortable means of medical transport that can help in shifting patients to their desired healthcare facility for availing better treatment. To do the needful of meeting the necessities of the patients Sky Air Ambulance is offering Air Ambulance Service in Patna that is providing risk-free, safe, and punctual air medical transportation to the patients with advanced facilities offered all along the journey. Our flights are state of the art with intensive care facilities that can be essential in keeping the health of the patient stable until the end of the journey.

Here, Sky Charter Air Ambulance Services from Patna to Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, Guwahati, Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad or vice-versa is providing them the very economical and low budget emergency patient transfer facilities. Sky Air Ambulance possesses specialized MBBS, MD doctors, certified paramedical staffs and nurses together with latest emergency life supports equipments such as ventilator, cardiac monitor, suction machine, infusion pump, nebulizer machine, oxygen cylinders and the basic to advanced accessories. A user can avail our diverse range of commercial patient transfer and other services anytime from anywhere in India by a phone call, e-mail or other means of communications. Sky Air Ambulance Services in Delhiwill help you to transfer patient from anywhere in India with best medic team. Air ambulances for Delhi to Patna and anywhere in India is available at low charges with Sky Air Ambulance.

To Reach the Medical Center without Any Complications Choose Sky Air Ambulance in Patna

Our medical flights that are operational under Air Ambulance in Patna are firstly sanitized properly to make sure patients don’t have to experience any complications during the time of transfer. We offer end to end supply of oxygen inside the air ambulance and make sure the patient doesn’t feel suffocation in the absence of oxygen. We install the necessary medical equipment and supplies inside the aircraft carrier to make it the best alternative for transferring patients from one place to another. Our Charter Air Ambulance from Patna comprises transport ventilators and other life-saving advancements for letting the patient remain in stable condition until the journey comes to an end. With access to the best hospitals in Patna, we compose medical transportation without any trouble.

Sky Air Ambulance from Patna is an Advantage at the Time of Critical Emergency:-

Our team at Air Ambulance from Patna offers a quick response to the transportation needs of the patients and makes no request that gets avoided due to our breach in response. We make sure the health of the patient remains in stable condition until the journey comes to a conclusion and never causes any fatalities while in transit. Our life-saving facilities make it more efficient for the patients to travel to and from the selected destination via our charter air ambulances including Boeing, B200, C90, and several other airliners. Maintenance of safety is the main focus of our team and operates with efficiency to meet the specific needs of the patients. We make the presence of a Medical Escort in an Air Ambulance to offer care and assistance to the patients all along the journey.

  • The best scoop stretcher bed with all medical facilities to shift a patient from one bed to another bed
  • Affordable booking rate for Air Ambulance Services from Delhi & Patna
  • A huge panel of Specialized MBBS, MD doctors to monitor the health condition of the patient.
  • The Latest Hi-tech ICU Setup is very helpful for the patient as well as medical team during evacuation.
  • Dedicated and Careful medical team members assist the patients with compassion.
  • Easy booking process via e-mail, phone call
  • Easy Call Booking with reliable, responsible and transparent services makes them bold
  • No hidden cost or extra charge for Air & Train Ambulance Service


Frequently Asked Questions About Our Service:-
  • Q) For how many hours do we have to wait for the confirmation of the booking?
    The waiting time for getting Air Ambulance in Patna is minimal and we make sure lesser time is taken while arranging the air medical transportation.
  • Q) What is the price of booking the air ambulance?
    We guarantee that the cost of the air ambulance that we provide is kept minimal and people can get it without stressing their budget much.
  • Q) What are the details to be looked after while booking the air ambulance?
    We make sure the health of the patient is not unstable enough and also take every possible detail about the medical condition of the patient so as to deliver a case-specific service.
  • Q) What is the guarantee of safety and comfort while transferring patients?
    Our team at Air Ambulance Services in Patna guarantees end-to-end comfort, safety, and a stable medical state of the patient to avoid any complications occurring at the time of transportation.

There are three ways of Medical Evacuation System in India like- Road Ambulance Service, Air Ambulance Service and Train ICU Emergency Facilities; on the basis of requirement Sky Air Ambulance offers the easiest and quickest way of medical evacuation from one city to another equipped with basic and advance setups of emergency equipments.

If we gaze at the cost of these emergency transposition sources; Private Air Ambulance Service is the most costly among them and Train ICU Emergency Facilities are costlier than Road evacuations respectively. Train is one of the safest and most loyal emergency medical evacuation systems in India which provides comprehensive space to accommodate ICU equipments and requires least worry that is associated with Air Ambulances.


Emergency means urgent, immediate and least time taken services which is available anytime and any moment randomly. It is completely based on the nearest approach and the close certain availability to the needy with full medic care unit having all the accessories whatever the needs are.

Sky Air Ambulance Services know very well how to send the medical escorts and team to the need in no time duration anywhere in India. Sky Air Ambulance ensures all the needy by providing full ICU facilitated medical emergency services any moment of time around 24 hours available on phone or all the media of communication to take their responsibilities to shift them to other cities.


At the blink of emergency time, the medical equipments are one of the most unique weapons by which the serious patients can get the entire benefits in order to sustain their God-made life. Sky Air Ambulance Services make sure of total medical equipments provision to the needy’ treatments such as- hi-tech ventilator, cardiac monitor, suction machine, infusion pump, nebulizer machine, oxygen cylinder, defibrillator, pace makers and all the basic and advance life supports.

Mainly, this emergency service provider has the very unique and distinct featured medical escorts those all have grand accessories and quality shedding facilities during the patients’ evacuation time all the time day-night.


Where the patients are very serious and all the emergency equipments are available then their medical care is only the panacea to the needy and how to be utilized it totally depends on the carers. Here, Sky Air Ambulance Services has one of the most dedicated and reliable medical assistance in which the verified and authorized MBBS plus MD doctors’ panels, the very long time working and talented paramedical staffs, the experienced medical staffs those all are available to the needy while they are being transferred from one city to another city by either Air Ambulance Services or Train Ambulance Services.


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Air Ambulance

Unanimously, it is known to Air Ambulance is used while the very emergency time when the patients’ condition is bad to worst and he needs urgent advance medical assistance...

Train Ambulance

Usually, it is said; there is no medical facility in train in order to the serious patients’ evacuation from one city to another city on being a long distance in India. But here...

Ground Ambulance

Basically, these are the ambulance services where the patients are transferred by four wheel vehicles with the ICU accommodated setups; it used for the short distance patients...

Commercial Stretcher

Mainly, this innovative airlines medical evacuation assistance is being provided to the needy by Sky Air Ambulance Service in India to transfer the patients from one city...

This is How Sky Air Ambulance Roll on During Transporting Patient with Proper Medical Care

Case No: - 01

Patna to Delhi

Coronary Artery Disease Patient Shifted by Air Ambulance from Patna to Delhi

A Patna-Delhi Patient was suffering from Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) (Ischemic Heart Disease). It is considered as the most deadly heart disease. The patient needed immediate medical evacuation from a local hospital in Patna to Delhi. Sky Air Ambulance took the challenge to shift him with its unique medic care unit to Delhi at affordable fare.

Case No: - 02

Patna to Chennai

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Patient Shifted from Patna to Chennai

Patna-Chennai, The serious patient had been suffering from Stroke, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The critical patient was successfully transferred by Sky Train Emergency team from Patna to Chennai with full ICU setup accommodated in the train’s compartment. Really, it was a difficult evacuation for us too but thanks to the skilled and experienced medic team that made it possible and the patient was transferred to Chennai on time.

Case No: - 03

Vellore from Ranchi

Lower Respiratory Infections and HIV/AIDS Patient Shifted to Vellore from Ranchi

It was a Ranchi-Vellore Patient; he was suffering from Lower Respiratory Infections and HIV/AIDS. The critical patient was transferred from Ranchi to Vellore by Sky Charter Air Ambulance equipped with latest ICU equipments. Our highly qualified Doctor and a nurse took extensive care of this patient and at the same time two members of the family were allowed to come along with the patient at no extra cost./p>

Case No: - 04

Guwahati to Delhi

An unconscious Patient with Trachea Bronchus and Lung Cancer shifted from Guwahati to Delhi

Guwahati-Delhi Patient, She was suffering from Trachea Bronchus and Lung Cancer, Diarrheal Diseases as well as Diabetes Mellitus. The patient was critical and unconscious, in spite of the multiple ailments associated with the patient Sky Train Health Care Unit shifted her to Delhi. We had to make special arrangement for this patient in the train’s compartment to accommodate finest ICU & CCU setup.

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